Friday, April 14, 2017

Happy Spring - Happy Easter

Last month it was all about seniors...this month it will be all about juniors.

With the arrival of spring also came the arrival of my new chicks.
This year, I got some Lavender Orpingtons ( the grey chicks), a breed I always admired, as they are just beautiful birds. Turns out the chicks are equally photogenic.

That determined looking chick will be a Wynadotte once she is grown up.

The yellow little models are Chantecler chicks. Chanteclers are THE only pure Canadian chicken breed. No, they do not play hockey, they might like Tim Horton and they are for sure cold hardy!

My inner photographer had of course some photos in mind, but the well being of the chicks was my first priority. Surprisingly the chicks seemed not to mind at all, and posed quite nicely.

Tea for two!

The Canadian version of a beach chick...

Unfortunately I could not understand what this chick whispered in the polar bears ear, while the other one snuggled right in.

So, you put an egg in the pot, keep it warm, don't water it, and after three weeks a little chick will grow, right?

And if you add peas to the mix you shall get chick peas!!

Flower girl

Perfect framing 

The chicks and I wish you a very Happy Easter, 
many eggs and a fabulous spring